The Necessary Optics For Public Leaders

by - July 11, 2018

For better, or worse, the public often makes many decisions, about the quality of their elected officials, based on their perceptions, and some, rather - challenging, items, to understand, and accurately consider and evaluate! How one's actions, and words/ rhetoric, are considered and evaluated, are essential components, of a public official's OPTICS. These individuals should be aware, and consider, what their actions, appear to be, to others, and whether it instills public confidence, and trust, or, quite the opposite! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, identify, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some of the key considerations, concepts, and items, a quality leader, should consistently, take into consideration!

1. Options; opportunities; opinions; offensive/ offend: We need leaders, who are willing to consider, with an open - mind, various, viable, options and alternatives, and look for the finest opportunities, focused on quality service and representation, for the common good! While one should be willing to articulate his opinions, in a well - directed, focused way, he must realize, the power and meaning, of his opinions and leadership, while avoiding any action, which others, might consider, offensive. Our present, President, Donald Trump, seems to not take these optics, into consideration, and often articulates a message, or proceeds, in a way, which offends others!

2. Priorities; planning; perceptions: When President Trump, articulates a message, which communicates priorities, which do not favor the common good, and seem, to focus on, the wealthiest, at the expense of the middle - class, many have perceptions, of a leader, who doesn't care about them, or protecting the sustainable future, for generations, which follow. Whether he focuses on planning, or wings - it, he often appears, to avoid in - depth, evaluations and considerations, which have an impact on many constituents, in a less than stellar manner!

3. Tendencies; timely: Whether he deserves it, or not, Mr. Trump appears to have tendencies, where he blames and complains, rather than proceeds with viable, well - considered solutions! He also complains about the past, when many are focused on timely actions, and needs!

4. Intentions; integrity; image: Public officials are often judged, by how their attentions, are perceived! One's public image, is, often, judged by whether the leader, proceeds with integrity, or is perceived, as being a liar!

5. Character; clarity: One's character often directs, how he is perceived, by the American public! Political leaders must avoid confusing messages, but, rather, must focus on the utmost degree of clarity, and honesty!

6. Service; sustainable solutions: How does it look, when someone seems focused on his self - interest, and personal/ political agenda, rather the providing the service, constituents need, and deserve? It is incumbent upon, these individuals, to avoid, populist rhetoric and promises, and implement, well - considered, sustainable solutions!

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